Friday, March 4, 2011

Lagu Couple dlm filem Hollywood?

Hallo geng!

Dah lama tak update blog ni. Biasalah, busy dgn kerja. Anyways, saja i nak share dgn u allz satu berita yg cambest la jugak. Kalau u allz ada follow kitorang punya Facebook atau Twitter, mesti u allz pernah terbaca announcement we allz pasal ada filem omputih ni, dari negara USA, yang bertajuk SUPER ada menggunakan lagu Couple. Filem ni sebenarnya adalah sebuah filem indie yg low-budget je walaupun ada ramai gak bintang2 Hollywood berlakon, sebab depa suka sgt skrip cerita ni depa tak kisah la low-budget atau tak.

Antara bintang2 yg ada dlm cerita ni adalah mcm hero dia Rainn Wilson (dia jadi Dwight dlm "The Office", dan kalau u allz pernah tgk movie mcm "The Rocker", "Superbad" dan jugak "Transformers 2" kompom u allz akan kenal muka dia), heroin dia Ellen Page (chenta hatiku yg berlakon jadi "Juno", dan jugak dlm "Inception"), Liv Tyler (byk sgt filem dia, mcm "Armageddon", "Empire Records", "Stealing Beauty") dan abg Kevin Bacon (pun dah berlakon mcm2, tapi kompom sapa2 pun takkan lupa dia menayang anunya yg tak dalam botol dalam "Wild Things", kekeke). Poster dia mcm kat bawah ni:

Lagu yg dey allz pakai adalah "Now That I Can See". Camne lak omputih2 ni tau lagu Couple? Sebenarnya director filem ni, encik James Gunn (director filem "Slither" dan jugak penulis skrip utk "Dawn Of The Dead", dan 2 filem "Scooby Doo" tu), dah agak lama jugak la suka lagu2 we allz yg tak seberapa ni. Masa zaman Myspace tgh hangat tu, dia siap letak lagu tu jadi profile song dia lagi. Dan kalau u allz ingat, dlm 2 tahun lepas ada web series dari USA bertajuk "Humanzee' yg jugak ada guna lagu tu, haaa dia la jugak director nya. Dia punya la suka lagu tu, dia siap letak lagu tu kat No. 36 dlm list dia buat tentang "My 50 Favourite Songs Of The Decade".
So, we allz memang rasa sgt bertuah dan bersyukur la yg we allz dapat peluang utk terlibat dlm projek filem yg menarik mcm ni. Setakat ni dey allz bagitau yang filem ni masih takde pengedar lagi kat Malaysia. Kalau di USA, filem ni akan release bermula 1 April di New York dan Los Angeles, dan kemudian akan berkembang ke seluruh USA setiap minggu. Kalau di Eropah, cuma di UK je takde pengedar lagi, dan negara2 besar lain macam France (dlm 500 panggung!), Germany, Italy semua dah ada pengedar. Kat Australia pun ada. Jadi kalau u allz ada sedara mara yg bekerja dlm syarikat pengedar filem kat Malaysia ni, haaa lobi lah sikit supaya filem ni dapat kita tonton kat wayang kat sini.

Pasal CD soundtrack filem ni pulak, khabarnya akan mula dijual pada 29 Mac di USA. Tak tau lah sama ada akan diimpot atau tak ke sini. Syarikat yg keluarkan CD soundtrack ni nanti adalah Lakeshore Records, yg jugak keluarkan soundtrack utk filem2 terkini mcm Drive Angry, No Strings Attached, Faster, Blue Valentine, Megamind dan jugak yg dah lepas mcm The Last Kiss, Monsters vs Aliens, Superbad, Pineapple Express, The Hurt Locker dan banyak lagi. Depa dah hantar surat mintak permission nak masukkan lagu Now That I Can See tu dlm CD soundtrack ni jugak, tapi tak tau la masuk ke tak lagi sebab rasanya lagu2 dari band/penyanyi solo je dah ada 18 dlm filem ni, tu tak termasuk original score dia, yg dibuat oleh Tyler Bates (komposer utk Watchmen dan 300). Jadi, kita tunggu dan lihat la ada rezeki ke tak utk dapat masuk soundtrack CD ni...

Akhir sekali, we allz nak menjemput u allz utk menonton trailer utk filem ni yg baru je beberapa jam yg lalu di-premiere kan di alam internet. Oleh kerana blog ni tak cukup lebar utk embed trailer yg lebar ni elok2, sila KLIK DI SINI utk tgk trailer ni dgn penuh dan cantik.
Lepas tgk trailer ni, lagi la we allz tak sabar nak tgk filem ni. Shut up crime!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kenapa Ramai Macam Tak Puas Hati Ana Raffali Menang AJL 25

Hi u allz,

2-3 hari ni i tengok mcm ramai sungguh org nak bagi pendapat 2 sen dey all pasal kemenangan Ana Raffali kat AJL 25 hari tu. Ada yg suka, ada yg tak suka, macam-macam ada! So, memandangkan i ni pun org Malaysia jugak, dan org Malaysia pun memang terkenal dgn sifat busybody, i pun nak kasi pendapat i jugak lah.

First of all, i rasa kemarahan org ramai tu bukannya kat Ana Raffali pun. Rasanya kemarahan tu lebih ditujukan kepada juri je. I mean, takkan u nak marah kat Ana Raffali kot? Dia dah la cantik, baik, wangi, pakai baju kurung (hmm, mcm calon isteri i je bunyinya tu, kekeke), mana ada kita nak marah kat gadis2 yg mcm tu. Lain la kalau dia dressing seksi2 ke, kantoi gambar bogel bersama mamat rempit muka pecah rumah ke, kena kantoi roadblock dalam keadaan mabuk ke (yg ni pun i nak berkenalan la jugak, hehehehe) baru lah org kita tak suka dan lekas nak marah.

Jadi kepada bakal isteri i cik Ana Raffali tu, i harap u jgn ambik hati la mendengar komplen2 org ramai tu ye syg. U memang tetap di hati dey all (di hati i lagi la tetap dan selalu). Keputusan tu je yg tak di hati dey all.

Haaa, sekrg dah sampai kepada topik yg hangat ni, keputusan juri tu yg diketuai oleh abg sifu kita yg puitis (yg juga merangkap pengarah filem hebat dan sgt puitis bertajuk Merah, yg dibintangi Awie dan juga seekor buaya yg mengerikan, hehehe) dan dianggotai oleh otai2 industri kita yg hampir kesemuanya adalah komposer ataupun penulis lirik.

Kita boleh lihat keputusan juri ni dari beberapa sudut sebenarnya. Pada i, memang logik pun keputusan yg depa buat, sebab lagu Tolong Ingatkan Aku tu punya melodi yang tak begitu nak lari dari style pop dan rock Melayu yg kita biasa dgr dari zaman kita kecik dulu. Kalau u tgk org2 yg jadi juri pada mlm tu, memang semuanya dtg dari zaman muzik yg mcm tu pun, jadi of course lah dey all akan buat keputusan yg mengikut taste dey all, betul tak? Cuba kalau u letak komposer2 dari band Silkhannaz, Cromok, FTG dan Braindead dlm juri tu, dan tiba2 ada lak lagu metal dlm final AJL, confirm la depa akan kasi lagu metal tu menang, betul tak?

I rasa yang jadi persoalannya sekrg, adakah wajar juri2 yg kita tau ada preference tertentu dipilih menjadi juri? Kalau dah tau sekrg ada macam2 style muzik dlm industri kita, ada banyak variasi, kenapa tak pilih juri yg mencerminkan variasi tu sikit? Mungkin susah la sikit, sebab asyik muka2 tu je yg akan dianggap otai dan terer dlm industri kita ni, tapi bak kata pepatah, kalau hendak seribu daya...

I rasa mungkin dah sampai masanya AJL sendiri cuba lari dari expectations biasa diorang. Dah cukup la kot expectation kita kalau masuk final AJL je, performance mesti ada gimik sikit, kalau takde gimik kononnya tak ambil serius la pertandingan tu. I tgk band2 legenda sepanjang zaman mcm The Beatles ke, Led Zep ke, The Rolling Stones ke, takde pun perlu kena ada gimik letak 5 juta org atas stage terhoyong hayang menari, ataupun kena buat magic trick terjun dlm air ala2 film The Prestige (nasib baik abg FT kita tak muncul dari crowd je lepas jatuh dlm air tu), ataupun pura2 mati dan hidup kembali dgn persalinan pakaian baru. Habis teruk pun depa bikin set sikit atas stage, and then depa perform.

Kalau legends mcm tu pun tak perlu gimik murahan, takkan la kita nak expect band2 muda mcm Hujan, Bunkface dgn Yuna utk perlu ada gimik jugak, then baru boleh consider sebagai 'serius' dlm industri. Falsafah depa lain dari falsafah biasa industri kita, tapi falsafah depa pun ada nilai jugak, jadi bila kita nak judge nilai kesenian diorang pun kita kena faham la sikit2 falsafah seni diorang.

I rasa masalahnya sekrg adalah macam kalau kita cuba nak nilai rasa cabai dgn menggunakan rasa tembikai sebagai kayu ukur, memang tak lah kan? So last2 jadi la mcm sekrg ni, bakal isteri i Ana Raffali tak pasal2 kena marah dan benci, padahal bukan salah dia pun. Siapa yg salah? Lu pikirlah sendiri. Yang penting, sayang i tu kenalah banyak bersabar je okay, nanti abg dtg pujuk, hehehehe


Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Form A Band (And Not Kill Each Other Doing It)

(Kalau nak baca yg dlm BM sila klik kat SINI, tapi yg ni version translate direct ikut Google lah, agak kelakar, ahahaha!)

A lot of you kids have been asking me for tips on a lot of things, how to get a band started, how to get gigs, how to write songs and many others. Now I'm in no way an expert at these things, not even close, but I guess it won't be wrong if I write about what I think is the decent way to go about doing it. So here it goes:

1. Ask yourself WHY you wanna do this in the first place
This is a very important question to ask yourself, because the way you approach things will no doubt differ according to the reasons why you wanna do this. If you're thinking of becoming popular or a star in a short time, then maybe forming a band is not such a good idea, as personally I think it's a long, hard road, for most bands anyway. If becoming a star in record time is your reason, then it's not something I know how to do, as Couple's been around for 15 years now, and we're still nowhere near being stars! So maybe taking part in a talent/reality TV show might be a good idea. Hehe. But if your reasons include love of music, or a need to express yourself, or just to enjoy making music with friends, or by yourself, and playing live, and sharing an adventure, then let's proceed to the next question.

2. Ask yourself what do YOU like?
Some bands have democratic aspirations, yes, but I think it's normal for most bands to have one person, or at the most 2 persons, as the creative drive behind them. So, to these persons I'd advice them to just follow their hearts. I know a lot of people will answer, "I listen to everything", when asked about the music they like. But c'mon, even parents have a favourite child (even if they'll never admit it in public). So, be honest, and ask yourself what sort of music/genre(s) YOU like, and then go through with it. Remember the answer to Question 1 above? You're doing this for YOU, so have some balls and stick your neck out and show to the world - "This is what I love, and therefore this is the music I'm making - this is ME." Only then will your band have any shot at longevity, as only people who really love what they do will keep on doing it regardless of whether their band is successful/popular or not.

3. Do your research
Now that you've decided on what you like, delve into it wholeheartedly. Know it as best as you can. Devour as much as you can. Know/understand what makes you like it. Get a feel of how the songs are constructed. Explore the hallmarks and nuances of the genre(s). Better still, dive headfirst into music history. Make it a point to know as much as you can about as many genres of music as you can. At least that way you won't fall flat on your face, as you're less likely to proclaim that what you're doing is something 'new' or 'original' because the more you delve into music history, the more you'll realise that everything's been done before. But don't worry, that doesn't mean that today's music is worthless, because you just need to realise that there's a world of difference between paying tribute to/getting influenced by someone and plagiarism. Just be true to yourself, do what you truly love, and you'll be fine. Don't burden yourself with all this lofty, big ideas about creating something 'new', 'original' or 'fresh'. Leave that kind of worrying to pompous assholes who think so highly of themselves that they think that everything they do must/should change the world. Music is a reflection of your soul, and if you're true to yourself whilst making it, it will come out, and that reflection of your soul in the music you make is already something unique only to you. What more do you want?

4. Be humble (Part 1)
Being in a band, like it or not, is an ego game. So don't forget to be a human being. And don't forget that your bandmates are human beings too. Never forget that at the end of the day it's your band's 'sound' that people will remember and pay attention to first, not how great the lead guitarist, or the bassist, or the drummer, or the singer is. Depending on the kind of music you do, some players might have to restrain themselves more than others, in order to serve the band's 'sound'. Maybe less guitar wanking is needed in certain genres, or minimalist drumming needed in others, so I'm sure there will be some people in this sort of situations who might think they're better than all that. That is why it's very important to do your research, so that you'll understand the fundamentals of what you want to do better. Always remember that it's the BAND that's most important, not the members. So be humble, and don't be selfish, as the band is not yours alone. If you still think you're better than the band, then quit that band and form your own band, one that you think can better serve your skills.

5. Know your strengths and weaknesses
Again, be honest to yourself and humble enough to admit what your weaknesses are. And of course, be humble enough not to overestimate your strengths. When you start jamming with your bandmates, pay attention to each other. Try to notice each one's playing style. Make a mental note of what each person's strengths and weaknesses are. Better still, talk about it with your bandmates. That way, you can write and arrange songs around that. Accentuate your strengths, and minimise or try to avoid the weaknesses altogether. The most important thing about a band is that it has to be tight. A tight as hell band playing the simplest of music is still a million times better than a loose, all over the place band playing 'complicated' music. Going about being in a band is not so different from going about living your life. If you're weak physically but are excellent with numbers, which would you choose, being a rugby player or mathematician? Easy, right? So, just apply that same logic when you're in a band!

6. Know when you're ready
This is the most crucial part. You've now written your own songs. You've been jamming a lot. What next? This is where you really have to be honest with yourself, AND ask your friends to be honest with you. Maybe you can demo some songs and listen carefully at home, or give some to your friends for them to listen to. The most important thing is to really decide whether the material you have or your live performance skills are good enough to be unleashed to the world. Put yourself in the shoes of the listener. Ask yourself, if you're a listener and you heard the songs, would you get excited by them? If you're the audience and you're watching your band's performance of the songs, would you like it? If you think there's still work to be done after you asked yourself those questions, then by all means do work on it. There's no hurry whatsoever to introduce your band to the world. Most of us get only ONE chance to impress, so make the best first impression you can. A great first impression will surely lead to something. Luck may have something to do with it, but I honestly think there's no such thing as blind luck. I heard this great phrase in a documentary: "Luck is when opportunity meets preparation." And I really think that's true.

7. Be humble (Part 2)
Like I said above, playing music is almost always all about ego. You might start out just to have fun with friends, but what happens when you suddenly have 'fans'? Egos can easily inflate, and when they do you can easily lose sight of things. So, always remember WHY you're doing this in the first place. Again, your answer to Question No. 1 above is very, very important.

So, there it is kids, a simple guide on how to form a band, and not kill each other doing it! I hope it'll help a little bit. Maybe I'll do another post next about how to get gigs or how to 'up' your band? Hehehehe.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

UK Tour News - Part 1

Sorry we've been lazy with updates about our UK tour here on our blog (though we do update quite a bit on Myspace, Facebook and Twitter - those are shorter, hehehe), but it's been an extremely busy week for us so far as we've played 4 shows so far in just 6 days (and there were hours of travelling around on buses + vans too)! So far, these are the ones we've already done:

19th March - Couple Live in Manchester @ Academy 2, Uni. of Manchester Students' Union
21st March - Dirty Water Club @ The Stag's Head, London
22nd March - Liverpool Malaysian Night @ Mountford Hall, Uni. of Liverpool
23rd March - Couple Live in Manchester @ Bumper, Liverpool

As you all might have known if you've been following us on Myspace, Facebook and Twitter (if you haven't, then what are you waiting for?), our beloved bassist Masrin actually flew with us to the UK, but just about 2-3 hours after arriving he got a call from Malaysia saying that his mom was in critical condition in hospital, and after a long hard deliberation he decided that he had to go back to Malaysia to be with her. His mom passed away 2 days after that and we're glad that he managed to get back to Malaysia in time to see her. Please spare a prayer or two for her, God rest her soul.

With Masrin gone, we were scrambling to find a replacement bassist, and thank God the kids we were bunking with in Manchester knew of one, and apparently my roommate there's also a bassist too. So we'd like to take this opportunity to extend our deepest gratitude to Din and Adam for helping out on bass duty throughout this UK tour. I know it must be real hard trying to learn 16 songs in such a short span of time, so guys, thanks so much for putting on a game face and getting on the stage with us. We're forever in debt.

We'll talk more about the tour later (and upload pictures too), but for now the awesome teaser video above (shot by the Ikan Paos Collective, who's following us around here and hopefully we can make a tour documentary out of it - DVD anyone?) and the video below (from a media session we did in Manchester) can tell a bit of the story:


Monday, March 8, 2010

Couple UK Tour 2010

Yes, you read that right kids, finally we're getting the chance to tour the United Kingdom (without bankrupting ourselves, thank you) this year. The fine folks at Kugiran Negara Ke UK Enterprise (aka KNUKE), who last brought Hujan and then Seven Collar T-Shirt and Estrella to play a few shows in the UK in the last 2 years have decided on bringing us this time, with the help of Air Asia X as the airline sponsor.

We'll be playing 5 shows in the UK, 3 organised by the KNUKE gang and we've managed to get 2 other shows organised by UK promoters/venues, and you can find the details below:

The KNUKE shows:

Couple Live In Manchester
Date: 19th March 2010
Venue: Academy 2, Students' Union, Main Hall, University of Manchester
Opening acts: The Stowaways, The Beat Merchants, The Rays, House of Five
Tickets: GBP10.00

Couple Live In Liverpool
Date: 23rd March 2010
Venue: The Backroom @ Bumper, Hardman St, Liverpool
Opening Acts: The Stowaways, Shane Beales, Bernard & The Thrumptons
Tickets: GBP 3.00

Couple Live In London
Date: 28th March 2010
Venue: The Fiddler's Elbow, 1 Malden Road, Kentish Town, London NW5 3HS
Opening Acts: Someone's Daughter, Captain G
Tickets: GBP10.00

Additional UK shows:

Dirty Water Club
Date: 21st March 2010
Venue: The Stag's Head, 55 Orsman Road, London N1 5RA
Acts: Couple, The Sundae Kups (USA), Dylan Walshe

The Windmill Presents - Couple
Date: 24th March 2010
Venue: The Windmill, 22 Blenheim Gardens, SW2 5BZ
Opening Acts: No Cars (Japan), Junkyard Choir
Tickets: GBP4.00

Just to share a bit about the extra UK shows, Dirty Water Club is a long-standing monthly garage rock night regularly held in London since 1996, which has hosted garage rock legends like The Monks, Billy Childish, The Cynics, Radio Birdman, The Stems, The Lime Spiders up to current garage rock stars like The White Stripes, The Black Lips and King Khan & The Shrines, and we are very proud to be invited to play this legendary garage rock night and hope to rock the faces off everyone in attendance. So if you're in London then, do drop by and check us out!

The Windmill Brixton, is a small London venue (named by The Independent newspaper as one of the Top 10 Venues In The UK) that's made quite a name for itself for the high quality bands they book for the venue, which has seen performances by everyone from legends like Stereolab, Daniel Johnston and Shonen Knife to current hip bands like Bloc Party, The Cribs, OK Go, The Magic Numbers, Hot Chip, Los Campesinos!, The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart, The Pippettes, The Spinto Band, Yeasayer and so many more, and we're so very proud to be considered good enough to headline a show at this venue by the owners/promoters there.

They had this to say about us on their website (which you can read in full HERE, just go to the 24th March listing to read): "Couple describe their music as 'happy, clappy and not crappy', but, even so, the quality and exuberance of this took us completely by surprise and we booked them in rightaway... While the band tend to drop kudos to the likes of The Beach Boys, Big Star, The Who, The Raspberries, The Beat, The Rooks, and Weezer, we can also hear bits of such legendary bands like The Smoking Popes and Superchunk in there."

So, if you're in the area at the time of these gigs (even if you aren't the UK's not that big right, so just come!), please do drop by, tell all your friends to come too, and let's all have blasting good time and rawk our hearts out together. We look forward to seeing all of you there!.Rock n roll, and Malaysia boleh!!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Menangi tiket FREE ke gig Efek Rumah Kaca + FREE CD Pop Tak Masuk Radio

Hey kawan-kawan!

Firstly, kitorang nak ucapkan terima kasih banyak2 kepada geng2 yg tolong vote utk Lagu Cinta Untukmu kat Carta Negara XFM tu, sampai akhirnya dapat gak no. 1. Vote lagi la nanti kalau rajin, vote kat sini:


1. Masuk FREE dgn kitorang ke gig Efek Rumah Kaca

Okay, sekrg ni terus kita ke peraduan masuk free ke gig Efek Rumah Kaca Live In Kuala Lumpur (kitorang main jugak) yg akan berlangsung pada 27 Februari 2010 ni di One Cafe, Kuala Lumpur yg akan bermula jam 3pm (tiket pre-sale RM25, dan kat pintu RM35).

Apa yg perlu korang buat utk masuk FREE dgn kitorang ke gig ni? Senang saja. Pada 25 Februari 2010 ni (hari Khamis) kitorang akan perform live kat rakaman Muzik Muzik utk pencalonan Lagu Cinta Untukmu. Rakaman dibuat di Sri Pentas 2, Plaza Alam Sentral, Shah Alam, masuk adalah FREE, dan sila sampai before 7pm utk dtg tgk. Jadi semestinya lagi best kalau ramai geng2 yg dtg pada hari tu utk memberi sokongan moral. So apa yg korang perlu buat senang je:

Kalau korang ada akaun twitter, silalah add kitorang ( dan tweet banyak2 lah pasal show Muzik Muzik ni. Jgn lupa mention kitorang dlm tweets korang tu (supaya kitorang boleh nampak, kalau tak nanti tak tau lak korang ada tweet pasal kitorang).

Bgtau la kawan2 korang kat Myspace pasal show Muzik Muzik tu melalui 2 cara:
- status updates
- bulletin

Bgtau la kawan2 korang kat Facebook pasal show Muzik Muzik tu melalui status updates (kalau korang link Facebook dgn Twitter lagi cunz).

Mulai hari ni kitorang akan selalu usha2 laman2 web seperti yg disebut di atas utk memilih seorang pemenang yg bertuah itu, jadi rajin2 dan selalu2 lah mempromote show kitorang kat Muzik Muzik tu untuk menambahkan lagi peluang utk memenangi tiket ke gig Efek Rumah Kaca yg agak mahal tu. Haaa apa tunggu lagi? Mari kita spammmm

2. Dapatkan CD Pop Tak Masuk Radio secara FREE + Aidil belanja minum di gig Efek Rumah Kaca nanti

Untuk mendapatkan hadiah yg tak berapa berharga ni pulak, senang je. Anda perlu buat ini saja:

- datang ke rakaman Muzik Muzik kitorang tu pada 25 Februari 2010 di Sri Pentas 2, Plaza Alam Sentral, Shah Alam. Masuk FREE dan dtg before 7pm.
- ambik gambar kitorang masa tgh perform kat situ ataupun dgn kitorang lepas show tu nanti
- tag gambar tu kat Myspace, atau letak je sebagai comment kat Myspace, atau uploadkan sebagai Fan Photos kat Facebook kitorang (

Seorang pemenang bertuah akan dipilih pada hari Jumaat mlm (26 Februari 2010) dan akan terus dicontact melalui Myspace/Facebook, so jgn lupa check mailbox korang nanti okay.

Selamat berjuang okay geng!

Hugs & kisses,

Friday, January 29, 2010

Number 1!

Pagi ni mcm kebanyakan pagi yg lain i akan bukak Myspace, Facebook dan blog Couple utk check kalau ada apa2 berita menarik - mana la tau dapat masuk Rolling Stone lagi ke, atau dapat masuk cerita omputih mcm Humanzee lagi ke... hehe. Bila i bukak Facebook kitorang, i nampak Shahrin tulis komen "Da num 1! Da skang". Nasib baik la i faham bahasa2 singkat anak muda masa kini, kalau org2 tua lain mesti tak faham dah, dan tergaru2 kepala dan dagu semua utk cuba memahami bahasa singkat masa kini.

Kemudian, bila i check kat page Carta Negara XFM terus i terkezut, rupa-rupanya betul la lagu kitorang yg bertajuk "Lagu Cinta Untukmu" tu dah naik ke No. 1 dah. Mcm tak percaya je rasanya mula2 u. Maklumlah, lagu2 we all kan jarang masuk radio ni (sebab tu la tajuk album Pop Tak Masuk Radio), tapi apa2 pun i nak ucapkan terima kasih dan tahniah la kpd XFM, kerana mempunyai biji telur yg besar dan berani utk memasang lagu2 kitorang yg perasan ganazz ni.

Tapi i paling nak berterima kasih kepada pendengar2 dan penyokong2 kitorang (you all lah tu) yg sudi meluangkan masa utk mengundi kitorang sampailah tersampai jugak ke tangga pertama kat Carta Negara XFM tu. Terima kasih sangat2 tau u. Harap2 u all teruslah rajin mengundi biar tersangkut lama2 kat No. 1 lagu tu, biar stesyen lain tertanya2 lak - "Ni band haprak mana lak yg No. 1 lama sangat kat XFM ni? Ingat XFM je ke boleh main lagu band haprak ni, i pun boleh main jugak tau!"

Haaa kalau banyak stesyen radio yg main lagu tu, dan masuk carta gak ke kat stesyen2 lain, barulah ada chance sikit nak masuk Muzik Muzik mcm kengkawan kitorang. I pun teringin gak u, nak perform ada ramai penari2 atas stage ke, nak main bunga api atas stage ke, letup2 sana sini, mcm2 boleh buat tau, silap2 i ajak u allz je naik pentas sama2 kasi pecah, hehe.

Pokoknya dong, i harap u allz akan terus sudi mengundi utk kitorang yg tak seberapa ni (Masrin je yg hensem kot, dan Shahrin maybe cute). Kalau u nak request lagu kitorang kat stesyen2 radio lain lagi la bagus, kasi depa curious - "Apa ke jadahnya band yg budak2 ni asyik mintak lagunya ni?"

Sebagai penutup, sekali lagi i mengucapkan selambak terima kasih kpd u all semua, dan kalau nak undi lagi, jom lah klik di bawah ni:


Oh ya, i perasan semenjak dua menjak ni, ada je la mamat2 yg tiba2 nak fuck kitorang, kata kitorang tak layan org (biasanya diorang ni akan komen kat status kitorang). I rasa org2 ni semua tak pernah jumpa kitorang pun kot, sebab i rasa kitorang langsung tak pernah tak layan org kat gig ke, atau bila terserempak masa jalan2 ke. Kalau org tegur je, mesti kitorang layan. Kalau nak marah kata kitorang sombong in that way, i rasa ni semua memang fitnah dan busuk hati je. Kalau u tak caya, u try lah tegur kitorang nanti okay, confirm i takkan layan u, i buat2 pekak je nanti (mengikut kata pendengki2 tu lah, ahahha).

Tapi i rasa, kalau nak marah sebab kitorang tak balas komen kat Myspace tu maybe agak melampau dan bongok lah kot, sebab kalau soalan2 tak bermanfaat mcm - "Siapa 0n9 tu?", "Wei bila next gig korang ah?", "Hoi mcm mana nak beli CD korang?" - ni semua soalan2 yg jawapannya boleh dilihat terang lagi bersuluh kalau org yg bertanya tu baca profile kitorang tu, so memang kitorang tak balas lah sebab masa tu boleh digunakan utk banyak lagi benda yg bermanfaat. Susah payah i mengarang dan menulis info2 tu supaya senang semua org boleh terus baca, tapi sebab ada si polan ni malas nak baca tiba2 nak fuck org lak kononnya sombong. Memang otak geliga sungguh golongan2 mcm ni...

Okaylah, siapa 0n9 tu takdelah tertulis, tapi i rasa takde manfaat apa2 pun kalau tau siapa yg on9 kan, sebab kalau nak tanya soalan kat kitorang directly kan i dah letak kat Top Friends tu page kitorang yg personal, so gi la tanya kat sana je, betul tak?

Haaa pengajarannya? Tak baik memfitnah org ni, lagi teruk dari makan bangkai tau. Dan lagi sedih kalau sebab nak menyebarkan fitnah adalah sikap kita sendiri yg bodoh sombong...(terus cue bunyi iklan "XFM - perihatin!", hehehehe).

Lagi satu pengajarannya? Vote2 la selalu.... ehehehehe!

Salam sayang dari we all,